
Which services are subject to a fee?

The following services are subject to a fee

  • Mailing of a user card: CHF 5.00
  • Reminders per medium (reminder: CHF 0.00 / 1st + 2nd reminder: CHF 5.00 / 3rd reminder: CHF 10.00)
  • Courier Central Switzerland region: free of charge
  • SLSP courier: CHF 6.00 per medium
  • Mailing of original document (A Mail): CHF 12.00
  • Non-commercial digitisation order: per article or chapter and per 20 pages started: CHF 5.00 additional pages up to 20 pages: plus CHF 5.00
  • commercial digitisation order: per article or chapter and per 20 pages started: CHF 25.00 further pages up to 20 pages: plus CHF 25.00
  • Interlibrary loan of original documents
    • from Switzerland, per document (volume): CHF 12.00
    • from Europe: CHF 24.00 / United Kingdom and overseas: CHF 36.00
  • Interlibrary loan digitisation request
    • from Switzerland, per article and per 20 original pages: CHF 5.00
    • from abroad: electronic delivery: CHF 8.00 / paper delivery CHF 10.50
  • Interlibrary loan in general: additional procurement charges will be invoiced for extraordinary expenditure.
  • Reproduction special collection: In general, the following rates apply to reproductions.

What happens if I return media too late?

The first notification from the ZHB (the reminder after the loan period has expired or the call-back in the case of reservations by other users) is free of charge. It is sent by e-mail. Notifications not received will not be accepted as a reason for late returns, as the return date of a medium can also be seen in your library account. Therefore, please check this regularly. After receiving the recall, please return the medium in question within one week.

Reminder fees after the loan period has expired:

  • Recall: free of charge (on the 2nd day after the due date)
  • 1st reminder: per document CHF 5 (on the 9th day after the due date)
  • 2nd reminder: per document additionally CHF 5 (on the 15th day after the due date)
  • 3rd reminder: per document additionally CHF 10 (on the 21st day after the due date)

After the 3rd unsuccessful reminder, media are considered lost (with corresponding costs).

How can I pay the fees?

Fees can be paid in cash at the information desk in the library where the fee is recorded.

If you do not wish to use this option, you will receive an invoice from SLSP one - two months after the fee has been recorded with all outstanding fees and can settle them in this way.

Please note that no loans will be possible if the outstanding fees exceed CHF 50.00.

Why do I receive an invoice from SLSP AG?

In the last few months, you have obtained chargeable services on www.swisscovery.slsp.ch and may have received reminders, which you are now being billed for via SLSP. SLSP operates the swisscovery platform on behalf of 470 libraries in Switzerland and handles the invoicing on their behalf.

Who do I contact if something is wrong on the invoice?

If you have questions about individual invoice items, please contact the library listed under the corresponding item on the invoice directly. Complaints will be accepted by the library responsible within 30 days of the invoice being sent.

Why are services from different libraries listed on the invoice?

The SLSP issues a collective invoice for fee-based services provided by the libraries affiliated to swisscovery. The invoice shows from which library the service in question was obtained. However, it is possible that individual services provided by libraries are not listed on the invoice because they are not part of swisscovery and/or are invoiced directly by the libraries.

I have received an invoice, but no fees are listed in my account?

When the invoice was created, the fees were removed from your user account, as you can now no longer pay them in cash on the spot.

I have lost / damaged a borrowed document. What should I do now?

Contact the library from which you borrowed the book as soon as possible. They will arrange for the replacement of the book and ensure that you do not receive a reminder for the book.

You will be charged a fee for the replacement.

My library book is so worn that it is falling apart and/or it has been scribbled all over by previous users. What should I do?

It is best to report to the library that owns the book with the book. The staff will look at the copy and inform you about the next steps.

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