
PressReader (via Munzinger)

Platform with e-magazines and e-newspapers from all over the world. Sign in with your swisscovery-Login (SWITCH edu-ID) of ZHB Luzern. Detailed informations and instruction

Film streaming database of German classics, sophisticated documentaries, arthouse films and series. Sign in with your swisscovery-Login (SWITCH edu-ID) of ZHB Luzern.

E-books (fiction and non-fiction), audiobooks and e-magazines that you can borrow on your own device (e.g. tablet or e-reader). Sign in with your swisscovery-Login (SWITCH edu-ID) of ZHB Luzern.

Overdrive/E-Books Switzerland
English-language e-books (fiction and non-fiction) that you can borrow on your own device (e.g. tablet or e-reader). Sign in with your swisscovery-Login (SWITCH edu-ID) of ZHB Luzern.

E-newspapers, e-books, e-journals and databases

Resources for ZHB/Uni/PH and Lucerne School of Business can also be utilized by the general public at the following ZHB locations

Electronic reference works/dictionaries
Access at Uni/PH Building and Sempacherstrasse

Journal archives – DeGruyter, Springer, Oxford and Cambridge University Press

National licenses for a comprehensive range of archives. Accessible to private individuals and university members.

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