Special Collections

Visual materials. As part of its new open science policy (in German), the ZHB Lucerne makes the digital and digitised cultural heritage in its holdings - as far as possible - accessible free of charge. Therefore, scans of images (photos, prints, etc.) will no longer be charged. However, the ZHB Lucerne Special Collections reserves the right to set a quantitative limit for large orders. In the spirit of good scholarly practice, it is also expected that a correct indication of source and origin is given when digital copies are used


Text material. A processing fee is charged for scanning/copying orders from text collections:

PDF file (100 dpi, via mail or file exchange, b/w or four-colour):

1–10 pages:                               CHF 10.00

Further pages:                           CHF 1.00 per page

Paper copies A4/A3:

  • By mail:

           1–10 pages:                     CHF 10.00

           Further pages:                  CHF 1.00 per page

           Dispatch charges: Switzerland CHF 2.00, foreign states CHF 5.00

  •  Picked up on site (Infotheke Sempacherstrasse): CHF 1.00 per page







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