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Contact persons and inquiries

Site written by:
Lucerne Central and University Library
Sempacherstrasse 10
Postfach 4469
6002 Lucerne, Switzerland

Juliette Wyler
Tel. +41 (0)41 349 75 57

Andreas Göldi
Nadja Meyenhofer

Technical support and programming
visol digitale Dienstleistungen

L'équipe visuelle

Content management system


The content of this website (text, images, etc.) is protected by copyright and may generally be used only for private or academic purposes and not for commercial use. 

The photos used on this website are either taken from our holdings, are specifically licensed or are public domain images. Please contact us if you have any questions about the images we use on our website, in particular our logo.

The text on this website (including the PDFs) is covered by a CC-BY-NC-SA license, provided that it is not third-party content and there are no separate notices. The ZHB is committed to Open Science and tries whenever possible to use licenses that make the content of this website as openly accessible as possible. 

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