
Are there group or individual workspaces at the library?

HSLU - Lucerne School of Business:

A total of just under 100 workstations with electricity are available at the ZHB location Lucerne School of Business. These workstations cannot be reserved.

The workstations on the ground floor can be used as individual or group workstations. The ground floor is intended as a communicative zone. The individual workstations on the upper floor are reserved for quiet work.

HSLU - Zug-Rotkreuz Campus 

A total of just under 80 workstations with electricity are available at the ZHB Campus Zug-Rotkreuz. These workstations cannot be reserved and are for silent work only. There are no group workstations.

How can I use the library's WLAN?

WLAN is available throughout the library.
Please note the following for accessing the internet:

  • Students and employees of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts choose the network "hslu" with the usual HSLU login.
  • Students from other universities use the network *eduroam" if your university offers this. The access data is provided by the home university. Please note that with this access you access the e-resources of the institution on site and not those of your university.
  • All other users can log in via the network "public". Once requested, the login is valid for two days. The connection is made via SMS authentication. A mobile phone is therefore mandatory. To the instructions

Can I copy, scan and print in the HSLU libraries?

Yes, multifunction devices are available for this purpose. At the ZHB Lucerne Location "HSLU - Lucerne School of Business", this is located on the upper floor. At the locoation "HSLU - Zug-Rotkreuz Campus" you will find it in the copying room.




You can print documents on our multifuntion device. You have two options for this:

Print from USB stick

In order to print, you must insert a USB stick containing the PDF version of your document into the multifunction device. USB sticks can also be purchased at the information desk for CHF 7.00.

Follow-Me-Printing of the HSLU

Members of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts can use "Follow-Me" printing to send documents to devices at the university and have them printed out on a desired device using the HSLU card. This also includes the multifuntion device in our library. The instructions for installation (chapter 4) and use (see "FollowMe printer family") can be found on the website of the HSLU Service Desk.


A4 s/wCHF 0.10 per Copie/Print
A4 colourCHF 0.50 per Copie/Print
A3 s/wCHF 0.20 per Copie/Print
A3 colourCHF 1.00 per Copie/Print

with the HSLU Card

The HSLU Card also serves as a copy card. The card must be loaded with credit before the first use. 
HSLU - Lucerne School of Business: Charging facilities are available at Zentralstrasse 9 (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) or at the ZHB Sempacherstrasse location.HSLU - Zug-Rotkreuz Campus: The recharging and validation device is located in the main building on the second floor next to the secretary's office.

Library copy card

Single copies can be made free of charge with a library copy card if no HSLU card is available.
This card is issued at the information desk in return for a deposit (ID card with name), the copying fees incurred must also be paid there.
Please note that "FollowMe" printing is only working with your HSLU Card!


ou can also scan at the multifunctional device. Scanning is free of charge, but you must still have credit on your HSLU card. In addition, there is a mobile book scanner in the copy room which you can take to a workstation in the library. It is not necessary to borrow the mobile book scanner, which may not be removed from the library. You can download the necessary software onto your own notebook. Video tutorial.

Are there lockers in the library?

HSLU - Lucerne School of Business
There are twelve safe deposit boxes on the ground floor of the library of the Lucerne School of Business.
Keys can be borrowed from the information desk with the following loan periods:
The lockers can be used for one month at a time. If no reservation has been made, the locker can be extended at the information desk. After expiry of the period of use, a return reminder is sent via the library system and the locker must be emptied within three days. If the key is returned late, reminder fees will be charged as for borrowed media. 
A fee of CHF 30.00 is charged for lost locker keys.

HSLU - Zug-Rotkreuz Campus
Lockers are located in building A and are based on self-organisation. 
A lock can be obtained from the university reception on the ground floor for a deposit if students do not bring their own.

All the workstations in the library are occupied, are there alternatives?

Thanks to the "Seat Navigator", you can find out at any time whether there are any available seats in which library and if so, how many of them.
The exact display of free (green), occupied (red) or abandoned for a break (yellow) seats is based, among other things, via a campus map in the room information system V:Scout. Personal data is neither collected nor stored by the motion sensors. The sensors transmit their data wirelessl. Compared to the usual WLAN and mobile radio, the sensors work with significantly less radiation and are more energy-efficient.
However, anyone who only leaves their workplace temporarily for a break does not have to worry that it will be released again immediately. The Seat Navigator has the following break regulation:

  • If a seat is occupied for at least 20 minutes, the display switches to break mode (yellow) after the seat has been left for 60 minutes.
  • If a seat is occupied for less than 20 minutes, the display reverts directly to free (green) after leaving the seat.

Am I allowed to eat and drink in the library?

Pleas note, that eating and drinking is prohibited in the library. However, drinks in sealable containers (water bottles, coffee with lids) are tolerated.
At the library of HSLU - Lucerne School of Business, hot drinks can be bought from the vending machine on the ground floor and consumed in the coffee corner.

Please always follow the instructions of the library staff at each location.

Is it possible to reserve working spaces?

No, working/study spaces cannot be reserved at our location. 

However, the location "Sempacherstrasse" offers the possibility of long-term reservations of a working space.
Doctoral and post-doctoral students of the UNILU as well as Master's students of the UNILU who are working on their Master's thesis also have the option of reserving working spaces at the Location "Uni/PH Building".

zum Seitenanfang