
Workspaces at the Uni/PH Building

There are 620 workspaces at the ZHB library in the Uni/PH Building. These cannot be booked in advance. However, you can check via Seat Navigator for free spaces in the library.

You can see how occupied the library currently is and display exactly which spaces are vacant (green), occupied (red) and vacated for a break (yellow) on our campus map. The motion sensors used do not collect or store personal data. The sensors transmit data wirelessly. They also give off far less radiation and are much more energy-efficient than WiFi or cellular communications.

If you leave your workspace for a short break, there's no need to worry – it won't be shown as vacant again straightaway. The Seat Navigator follows these rules as concerning to breaks:

  • If a space is occupied for at least 20 minutes and then vacated, the display switches it to break mode (yellow) for 60 minutes.
  • If a space is occupied for less than 20 minutes and then vacated, the display switches it straight back to vacant (green).

If you have questions or suggestions about Seat Navigator, we'd love to hear from you at informatik @ zhbluzern.ch.


Workspaces for doctoral and habilitation students

There are 24 workspaces and 48 lockers in a separate room for doctoral and habilitation students at the University of Lucerne and PH Lucerne. Workspaces are allocated for six months and are free of charge. We give priority to doctoral and habilitation students who have no employee workspace at either of these institutions. To request a workspace, please email info.upg @ zhbluzern.ch. Spaces are allocated first come, first served, based on the date when your email arrives.

Application form for Unilu doctoral students

Please complete the application form and either send or hand it to the library information desk, which will then send you an email notification.

Workspace area for doctoral students


Workspaces for students writing up their master's thesis

There are 25 workspaces for University of Lucerne and PH Lucerne students who are writing up their master's thesis. Workspaces are allocated for ten months and are free of charge. To request a workspace, please contact the information desk. Spaces are allocated first come, first served, based on the date when your application form arrives.

Application form for Unilu and PHLU master's thesis students

Workspace area


Group study rooms

There are four group study rooms at the ZHB Uni/PH Building library. Students can reserve these rooms by themselves. There is a white folder at the information desk that holds a reservation list for the current, and also for the following week. Groups can reserve a room for up to two hours a day. If the room is not reserved when your session ends, you can extend your booking. Reservations are canceled after 15 minutes if the group is not in the room.

Group rooms area

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