
Can I order media from other libraries of the IZ RZS to an HSLU library or return them there?

The IZ RZS is made up of the library locations of the ZHB Luzern, the libraries of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts as well as the Pädagogisches Medienzentrum (PMZ) and the Kooperativen Speicherbibliothek Schweiz in Büron. Accordingly, their media can be collected and returned at all these locations. For borrowing at a specific location, you must select the pickup location accordingly when ordering in swisscovery. It can take up to 2 working days until the medium is ready at the corresponding pickup location. However, you will be notified by e-mail as soon as it is ready for collection.

The media can also be returned to all these libraries via return trolleys or information desks, regardless of where they were borrowed. This regulation applies to the following types of media: books, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms.

Excluded from this are educational games, media boxes and technical devices. Please return these media to the respective information desks.

Can I order media from another Swiss library to an HSLU library or return them there?

Thanks to the SLSP courier, over 470 Swiss libraries are networked with each other. The courier thus replaces and expands the previous courier services such as the IDS or NEBIS courier.

The media from the SLSP courier can be ordered via the swisscovery search portal to all libraries of the HSLU. The delivery time is 2-4 working days. A collection invitation is sent as soon as the media have arrived at the desired collection location. They will be available for collection at the respective information desk for one week.

Please note that the cost of the SLSP courier is CHF 6.00 per item.

The loan periods depend on the regulations of the supplying library. The item must be returned via the library from which it was collected or via another library affiliated to the SLSP courier.

You can find further information in our tutorial "Delivery options in Swisscovery RZS" (German with English subtitles).

Can I order media and have them sent to my home?

You can select postal delivery instead of a library in the pickup option during the ordering process. Please note that we charge a fee of CHF 12.00 for postal delivery.

I would like to order an item from a particular library online and then go and collect it there. Why is this not always possible?

In some libraries which have their books and media stored in freely accessible shelves, it is not possible to reserve this stock in advance. If you want to pick up the book in that library, you have to take it off the shelf and borrow it yourself. Furthermore, it may be that the media are not available for loan as they are either already borrowed or only accessible for use on site.

Can I order media that are not available in "Swisscovery"?

Yes, this is an interlibrary loan. Basically, a distinction is made between interlibrary loans for private individuals and interlibrary loans for libraries (see below). You can create an interlibrary loan request using the form.

Interlibrary loan for private individuals

  • The ordering party must be registered in Swisscovery and resident in Switzerland.
  • By placing your interlibrary loan order, you agree to pay the costs incurred and to comply with the conditions of use. This also applies in the event that the item ordered is no longer required due to a longer delivery period.
  • Loan periods and restrictions on use are governed by the regulations of the lending library.

This may mean

  • You may only consult the ordered literature in the ZHB special reading room on Sempacherstrasse.
  • Photocopies or microforms may be supplied instead of the ordered book
  • The loan period may be shortened (1-2 weeks, instead of the usual 4 weeks)

For a extension of the loan period, please contact fernleihe @ zhbluzern.ch .

Interlibrary loan for libraries

Libraries in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein can order media and copies for their users. You can register online under "Sign in". These libraries order media and copies online on our search portal swisscovery RZS.

Libraries abroad (except FL) send their orders for media and copies to fernleihe @ zhbluzern.ch.  For delivery abroad, the corresponding IFLA guidelines (https://www.ifla.org/docdel) as well as the corresponding interlibrary loan and postal delivery rates or digitisation prices apply. For delivery abroad (except FL) we require payment by IFLA vouchers.


  • Original documents: From Switzerland: per document (volume) CHF 12.00 / From abroad: Europe CHF 24.00, Great Britain and Overseas CHF 36.00
  • Digitisation request: From Switzerland: per item and per 20 original pages CHF 5.00 / From abroad: electronic delivery CHF 8.00, paper delivery CHF 10.50

In the event of extraordinary expenditure, additional procurement charges will be invoiced.

Delivery times

  • Documents from Switzerland for loan and digitisation from abroad: 1-3 weeks

- Documents from Central and Northern Europe: 2-8 weeks

- Documents from Southern and Eastern Europe: 2-5 months

Can I cancel a courier or postal order?

As long as the item is still listed under "Requests" in your library account, you can still cancel it.

I accidentally ordered an item by courier to the wrong pick-up location. Can I change this?

As long as the item is still listed under "Requests" in your library account, you can cancel the order and order it again with the correct pick-up location.

If the item is no longer listed under "Requests", it is best to contact the library.

How long will ordered items be available for me and will I be notified?

The media ready for collection are available on the self-collection shelf next to the self-check-out station; they can be booked directly there. The media on the collection shelf are arranged alphabetically according to the first four letters of your surname. Please note that you need a library card to borrow media.

Ordered media are available for you to pick up during one week. You will receive a collection invitation for each item ordered or reserved.

How can I order a copy/scan of an article or a book chapter?

You can order scans by clicking on "Digitisation" instead of "Loan". Please note that for legal reasons we are not allowed to digitise entire works for you. Therefore, please indicate as precisely as possible which part of the work you require (e.g. article, chapter, page numbers etc).

Can I have entire books from your collection copied / scanned?

For legal reasons, we can only copy / scan parts of a book. To avoid time-consuming queries, please state when ordering which part of the book/journal (pages, chapters, articles or similar) you would like copied or scanned.

What can I do if I cannot collect/return an item (due to illness etc.)?


If the book has already been made available to you, it is best to contact the respective library directly. The provision of the medium can either be extended or we can send the book to you by post.

If you have not yet ordered the medium, you can select your private address under "Pickup location" when ordering. The medium will then be sent to you directly by post. We charge you a fee of CHF 12.00 per item for sending it by post. The fee will be credited directly to your library account.

Furthermore, it is possible for another person to pick up the book for you, if the person brings your library card with them.


You can either instruct someone else to return the item or you can send it to us by post. Please note that in the latter case the return date is the date of arrival at the respective ZHB location https://www.zhbluzern.ch/standorte . The ZHB Luzern accepts no responsibility or liability for delays or losses. As a general rule, we recommend registered mail when returning items by post.


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