
How do I find media from the HSLU libraries?

You can limit the search in swisscovery accordingly with the filters in the left menu. To display only media from the HSLU libraries, you can tick all HSLU libraries under "Region Central Switzerland".

To display only e-media to which you have access via the HSLU network, we recommend using the HSLU View from swisscovery.

What is the difference between Swisscovery and Swisscovery RZS?

Swisscovery is a catalogue in which the media of all libraries participating in SLSP can be found and borrowed. Depending on where the medium is ordered, a fee is charged. Swisscovery RZS contains the media of libraries in the region of Central Switzerland. Ordering these media to one of these participating libraries is usually free of charge.

A more detailed explanation can be found in our explanatory video "Advanced Search and Operators in Swisscovery" (German with English subtitles). 

How do I order media in Swisscovery?

If you have a SWITCH edu-ID account and have already registered once with Swisscovery, you can initiate the order by clicking on "Borrow" at the corresponding medium. You can find more information in our explanatory videos "Wie bestelle ich ein Buch in swisscovery RZS?" (German) or "Lieferoptionen Swisscovery RZS" (German with English subtitles).

How long may I keep borrowed media?

The following periods apply for borrowing media:

Regular loan period: 28 days

Loan period - renewal

Provided there are no reservations or holds on your user account, the loan period is automatically extended by 28 days up to the maximum loan period of 168 days. You can also extend the loan period yourself via your user account. After a maximum of 168 days, the loan period cannot be extended any further; the item must be presented to the ZHB and, if necessary, borrowed again.


Can I renew borrowed media online?

Yes, you can renew media within the maximum periods (max. 168 days) online in your library account.

However, this only works if the media has not been reserved by another person. If the media can no longer be extended because the maximum lending period has been reached, you can return the books to the library and borrow them again (provided there is no reservation).

How many items can I borrow?

The number of items that can be borrowed is limited to 150.

Can I reserve media?

Yes you can. If, for example, you have found a book in the catalogue but it is still on loan (you can see this by the status "On loan until [date]"), you can reserve the book by clicking on "Loan" anyway. As soon as the book has been returned and been made available to you, you will receive a notification from the library by e-mail.

Please note that items can be reserved by more than one person. The first person to reserve will be the first to receive the item after it has been returned.

Can I cancel a reservation?

In your library account, you find reserved media under the tab "Requests". There you can cancel the reservation by clicking on "Cancel".

Please note that media from libraries in other regions (e.g. Basel, Zurich etc.) are listed separately. You may therefore have to change the region in the left-hand menu.

Where can I see which media I have borrowed or reserved?

In your library account, you can view borrowed or reserved/requested media in the tabs "Loans" and "Requests". Please note that media from libraries in other regions (e.g. Basel, Zurich etc.) are listed separately. You may therefore have to change the region in the left-hand menu.

How do I know when I can pick up a reserved/ordered item?

As soon as a reserved/ordered item is ready for collection, you will receive a notification by e-mail from the collection library. Starting from that date, the medium will be ready for pick up for seven working days.

Can I pick up or return an item from an HSLU library in another library of the IZ RZS?

The IZ RZS includes all library locations of the ZHB Luzern, the libraries of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts as well as the Pädagogisches medienzentrum (PMZ) and the Kooperative Speicherbibliohtek Schweiz in Büron. All media from these libraries can also be collected from all these locations. To do this, you must select the pickup location accordingly when ordering in swisscovery. It may take up to two working days until the item is ready at the corresponding pickup location. However, you will be notified by e-mail as soon as it is ready for collection.

The media can also be returned to all these libraries via return trolleys or information desks, regardless of where they were borrowed. This regulation applies to the following types of media: books, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms.

Excluded from this are educational games, media boxes and technical devices. Please return these media to the respective Infothek.

Can I collect or return an item from an HSLU library to a library outside Lucerne?

Thanks to the SLSP courier, over 470 Swiss libraries https://registration.slsp.ch/libraries/ are connected with each other. The courier thus replaces and expands the previous courier services such as the IDS or NEBIS courier.

This means that you can also order media from the HSLU libraries to libraries outside Lucerne. To do this, call up the swisscovery search portal (not swisscovery RZS!), search for the desired book and select the library you would like to pickup the book from when ordering. The delivery time is 2-4 working days. A pickup invitation will be sent as soon as the media have arrived at the desired collection location. They will be available for collection at the respective information desk for one week.

Please note that the cost of the SLSP courier is CHF 6.00 per item.

The loan periods depend on the regulations of the supplying library. The item must be returned via the library from which it was collected or via another library affiliated to the SLSP courier.

You can also find more information in our tutorial "Lieferoptionen in Swisscovery".

Can someone else borrow, collect and return media for me?

Yes this is possible. However, the person collecting the items for you, must have your user card with them, in order to book the items on your account. 

There is no user card required for returning the items. 

Can I also return borrowed media by mail?

It is possible to return media from the ZHB Luzern by post. We recommend using the registered mail service (Einschreiben). The date of return is the date of arrival at the respective ZHB location. The ZHB Luzern is not responsible or liable for any delays or losses.

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