
Medicine and Health Care at ZHB Sempacherstrasse


ZHB's Sempacherstrasse medical holdings cover basic literature, textbooks, guide books and reference works on the following subjects:

  • Orthodox and Alternative Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition
  • Health Care
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Medicine

Something missing? -> Request a new acquisition!

Search Tips:

  • Books, articles and more ...:
    swisscovery RZS (search portal of the libraries in Central Switzerland)
  • Borrow electronic media on an e-reader or smartphone:
    DiBiZentral (Digital Library of Central Switzerland)
    Overdrive (English-language e-books)
  • Electronic journals and databases:
    EZB (Electronic Journals Library)
    DBIS (list of free and licensed databases)

Contact Subject Librarian

Need help with your searches?

-> Look no further!

Susanne Hofacker, dipl. geogr.

Subjects Sciences, Technical Matters, Medicine, Mathematics, Information and Library Sciences, Media Sciences, Publishing/Journalism Film

susanne.hofacker @  │ +41 41 349 75 15

Presence days: Mon / Tue / Wed


Sempacherstrasse 10 │ Post Box 4469 │ CH-6002 Luzern


For info concerning the holdings for the study curricula in medicine and health sciences, please do contact my subject librairan colleague Dr. Anne Konz at UPG (more info at the next fold-out subpage).

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