

Legalis provides access to 

  • Commentaries (e.g. Basler Kommentare; Commentaires romands)
  • Journals (e.g. Die Praxis; Steuerentscheid)
  • Handbooks (e.g. Schweizer Vertragshandbuch)

as well as to numerous other media such as dissertations and dictionaries.


Swisslex provides access to 

  • Commentaries (e.g. Berner Kommentar; Zürcher Kommentar)
  • Journals (e.g. Aktuelle Juristische Praxis; Schweizerische Zeitschrift fürs Strafrecht; Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung)

as well as to numerous other media such as legal monographs, dissertations or commemorative publications.

Please note: The monthly use of Swisslex is limited per user. If this quota is exhausted, no further queries are possible for the rest of the month. We will gladly answer any questions.

Employees and students of the Faculty of Law can set up a Swisslex account within the network of the University of Lucerne (or off Campus for students via VPN, for employees via EZproxy) in accordance with our agreement with the provider Swisslex and thus gain access to the legal database. For registration, please use your or e-mail address.Registration form


Beck-online provides access to

  • Commentaries (e.g. Münchener Kommentar; Maunz-Dürig Grundgesetz-Kommentar)
  • Handbooks (e.g. Hauschka/Moosmayer/Lösler, Corporate Compliance)
  • Journals (e.g. NJW; Europarecht)

as well as to German and European or international jurisdiction.

More databases

All legal databases are listed on the DBIS page of the ZHB. 

Databases licensed by the ZHB can off Campus only be accessed via VPN (for students only) or EZproxy.

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