
Specific Judaica collections/portals:

RAMBI: Index of Articles on Jewish Studies

Judaica UB Frankfurt: Digitized Judaica holdings of Frankfurt University Library

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Snunit: Seminal works of rabbinic literature in the original language (Mischna, Tosefta, Talmudim, Midraschim, Mishneh Tora of Maimonides)

Ketiv: The International Collection of Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts

English Babylonian Talmud

Sefer Chasidim: Princeton University has digitized fourteen of the Sefer Chasidim manuscripts. You can use these sources by creating a free account.

Saadia Gaon, Sefer Emunot we-De’ot

Geniza fragments of the University of Cambridge

HebrewBooks: Over 45,000 digitized religious books in Hebrew, from various periods.

National Yiddish Book Center: Around 10,000 digitized Yiddish works – that's almost half of all the works published in Yiddish!

Jewish National Library – Digital Collections: Digitized manuscripts from classic Jewish literature and modern sources

Ben Jehuda Project: Modern Hebrew classics in full text

Heinrich-Heine-Portal: Digitized issues of works by Düsseldorf-born writer and poet Heinrich Heine with commentary volumes and lots more information about Heine himself (with a search function)

Historical Jewish Press: Digitized Jewish journals from the first half of the 20th century in various languages; full-text search option

Compactmemory: Over 100 Jewish journals from Germany, in full text, published between 1806 and 1938.


General collections/portals:

Europeana: Search over 58 million texts, images and artifacts from European cultural institutions

Gallica: Five million digitized texts, images and AV items from the Bibliothèque nationale de France

E-codices: Digitized manuscripts from Swiss libraries and collections

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