
The information technology holdings at ZHB Sempacherstrasse include the following subjects:

  • German-language introductory literature
  • Textbooks
  • Guide books
  • Programming aids
  • Reference works

Something missing? -> Request a new acquisition!

Search tips:

  • Books, articles and more ...:
    iluplus (search portal of libraries in the Informationsverbund Luzern)
  • Borrow electronic media on an e-reader or smartphone:
    DiBiZentral (Digital Library of Central Switzerland)
    Overdrive (English-language e-books)
  • Electronic journals and databases
    EZB (Electronic Journals Library)
    DBIS (list of free and licensed databases)

-> New additions, Information Technology

Need help with your searches?

-> Look no further!

Dipl. Geogr. Nicole Casty
Subject Librarian, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Science Studies
Tel: +41 (0)41 349 75 15

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