
Top history databases
Historical Abstracts (This bibliographic database covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada), focusing on the 15th century to the present)
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Atlantic History (bibliography compiled and annotated by renowned scholars, with entries on transnational links between Europe, North and South America and Africa, particularly during the colonial era)
Central and Eastern European Online Library (repository of journals from all over the world, about Eastern, Central Eastern and Southern Europe; full text with a focus on the humanities and social sciences)
JSTOR (interdisciplinary journal archive with select academic journals, books and source collections)

Top Swiss history databases
Memobase (portal for audiovisual cultural heritage from a variety of Swiss heritage institutions)
Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (sources on the history of Swiss foreign relations from 1848 to 1975)
E-codices (Switzerland's virtual manuscript library)
E-Periodica (open access platform for Swiss journals)

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