
Useful Links

Department of Health Sciences and Medicine
ICF Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
ICF Case Studies
Global Health Library
WHOSIS - WHO Statistical Information System
World DataBank

Important Journals

BMC Public Health
BMJ Medical Humanities/Journal of Medical Ethics 
Disability and Society
Das Gesundheitswesen
Health Policy
Health Psychology
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal of Health Communication 
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Medical Care
Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Plos One
Statistics in Medicine
Qualitative Health Research
Quality of Life Research

For more electronic journals see the Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB): The EZB is a directory of e-journals and a gateway to their content. A note on the various kinds of access as displayed in the EZB: a green light signals that the content is freely available online; a yellow light signals that the content is licenced by the ZHB (and hence only available inside the IP range of the ZHB/University of Lucerne); a red light signals that the content is neither freely available online nor licenced by the ZHB (but might be available at another university library).

Guidelines on How to Do a Systematic Review

Five Steps to Conducting a Systematic Review: a very short introduction by the US National Library of Medicine
A Step by Step Guide to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: guidelines by the Centre of Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology (University of Edinburgh), with useful links and materials
Steps to Conducting a Systematic Review: guidelines by the University of Maryland Libraries, with useful links and materials
Conducting a Systematic Review: guidelines by the University of Minnesota Libraries, with useful links and materials
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions: a detailed instruction on how to do a systematic review according to the Cochrane Handbook

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