
All media types
swisscovery RZS Uni/PH (discovery tool, first-level search access)

Books only (print)
swisscovery RZS Uni/PH (go to: extended search, confine to: 'format': 'books': 'in libraries')

Databases only
DBIS Anthropology (Database info system, anthropology entries; discipline-specific databases and interdisciplinary resources relevant to the discipline)

E-journals only
BrowZine Anthropology (wide selection of social and cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and physical anthropology journals; full text from 2005 onward)

Reference works only
The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology (exhaustive 12-volume encyclopedia from 2018, edited by Hilary Callan, former director of the Royal Anthropological Institute).
Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology (formerly Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology; Open Access Encyclopedia for the discipline, started in 2016)
Oxford Research Encyclopedia Anthropology (articles on cutting-edge research topics, ordered alphabetically and by theme)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology (top-level dictionary, 2nd edition from 2010, edited by Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer)
Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology (encyclopedia with a focus on theory, edited in 2013 by R. Jon McGee and Richard Warms)
Routledge Dictionary of Anthropologists (biographical reference work of 2004, with entries about well-known scholars)
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IESBS) (authoritative 28-volume lexicon with rich anthropology content, 2nd edition, 2014)
Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology (dictionary from 2013, short entries; author: Luis A. Vivanco)
Concise Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology (dictionary from 2012, short entries; author: Mike Morris)

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