
Top anthropology databases
Anthropology Plus (anthropological journal articles as references or full texts)
eHRAF World Cultures (data collection covering 295 societies around the world)
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Anthropology (annotated bibliographies on social and cultural anthropology topics, physical anthropology and archaeology, compiled by specialists of the field)
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Latin American Studies, African Studies and Childhood Studies (annotated bibliographies on two Area Studies domains plus a topical one)
Ethnographic Video Online (four-part video stream database with nearly 3000 ethnographic films and documentaries made between 1922 and 2014)
ethnologue (reference work on the world's ethnolinguistic groups, compiled by the Summer Institute of Linguistics)

Current issues of key e-journals at a glance
BrowZine Anthropology (latest issue plus back issues of a wide selection of journals in social and cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and physical anthropology; full text from 2005 onward)

Finding what I am looking for...
Anthropology: How to find your e-resources for the discipline (overview of locally-available electronic resources for anthropology)


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