Newspaper portals (national and international press)
DibiZentralLZ, NZZ, FAZ, Süddeutsche, Die Zeit and more in the original layout, lots of magazines.
Select library "Luzern (Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek)" and log in with Swisscovery-Login (Switch edu-ID).
FactivaExtensive database with content from over 20,000 publications: Newspapers, agencies, annual reports, ed. by Dow Jones.

Nexis Uni

Contains about 9,000 journals, magazines, newspapers and other documents, often daily updated. Instructions
PressReaderInternational newspaper database with titles from over 90 countries, in the original layout. Access to the last 30–90 days' issues depending on the title.
Select library "Luzern (CH), Zentral- + Hochschulbibliothek Luzern" and log in with Swisscovery-Login (Switch edu-ID). Instructions
SwissdoxAccess to articles from national and regional newspapers and journals by the Swiss press, most of them updated daily.
WISOAccess to articles from daily newspapers in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, most of them updated daily.


Switzerland: German
Basler ZeitungCurrent issues via PressReader (Instructions). Articles from  September 1998 onward via Factiva, from onward 2021 via Nexis Uni
Berner ZeitungArticles from July 2001 onward via Factiva, from onward 2021 via Nexis Uni
Der Blick/SonntagsBlickCurrent issues via DiBiZentral. Articels from 2002 onward via Factiva
Der BundArticles from 1994 onward via  Swissdox, from July 2000 onward via Factiva
Finanz & WirtschaftArticles from 1995 onward via Factiva, from November 2021 onward via Nexis Uni
HandelsZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral. Articles from 1992 onward via Swissdox, from November 2017 onward via Factiva
Luzerner ZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1996 onward via  Swissdox, from 2019 onward via Nexis Uni
Neue Zürcher ZeitungCurrent issues via PressReader (Instructions) or DiBiZentral. Articles from 1994 onward via Swissdox
Tages-AnzeigerArticles from 1995 onward via Swissdox, from March 1999 onward via Factiva
SonntagsZeitungArticles from 1996 onward via Swissdox, from 1997 onward via Nexis Uni, from March 1999 onward via Factiva
Die WeltwocheArticles from 1998 onward via Swissdox,  from September 2004 onward via Factiva, from February 2021 onward via Nexis Uni


Switzerland: French
Le MatinArticles from July 2005 - August 2018 via Factiva, from 2006 onward via Nexis Uni
Le TempsArticles from 1998 onward via Swissdox, from 1999 onward via Factiva
Tribune de GenèveArticles from 2004 onward via Factiva, from 1997 onward via Swissdox, from 2006 onward via Nexis Uni


FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral
Süddeutsche ZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral
Tageszeitung (taz)Articles from 1994 onward via Nexis Uni,  from April 1997 onward via Factiva
DIE WELTArticles from March 1999 onward via Nexis Uni, from Mai 2004 onward via Factiva
DIE ZEITCurrent issues via DiBiZentral,. Articles from November 2008 onward via Factiva
ZEIT onlineArticles from November 2008 onward via Factiva, from 2009 onward via Nexis Uni


English press (selection)
EUObserverOnline news site on the EU
Financial Times

Articles from 1981 onward via Factiva, from 1996 onward via ABI Inform

The GuardianCurrent issues via PressReader (Instructions)
The Washington PostCurrent issues via PressReader (Instructions)


Other languages (selection)
Corriere della SeraCurrent issues via PressReader (Instructions)
Le FigaroCurrent issues via PressReader (Instructions)
El PaísCurrent issues via PressReader


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