Newspaper portals (national and international press)
SwissdoxAccess to articles from national and regional newspapers and journals by the Swiss press, most of them updated daily.
PressReaderInternational newspaper database with titles from over 90 countries, in the original layout. Access to the last 30–90 days' issues depending on the title.
Log in with your ZHB library card.
Nexis UniAccess to articles from international journals, magazines and newspapers.
WISOAccess to articles from daily newspapers in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, most of them updated daily.
Academic OneFileAccess to articles from over 60 international newspapers.
DiBiZentralLZ, NZZ, FAZ, Süddeutsche, Die Zeit and more in the original layout, lots of magazines.
Log in with your ZHB library card.


Switzerland: German
Basler ZeitungCurrent issues via PressReader, articles from 6/2/1997 onward via wiso, from 1995 onward via Swissdox
Berner ZeitungArticles from 2001 onward via wiso, from 12/1/1998 onward via Swissdox
Der Blick/SonntagsBlickCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 9/1993 onward via Swissdox, from 12/21/2004 onward via wiso, SonntagsBlick from 10/1993 onward via Swissdox, 2004 onward via wiso
Der BundArticles from 1994 onward via Swissdox, 1997 onward via wiso
HandelsZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1992 onward via Swissdox
Luzerner TagblattAll issues 1852 - 10/31/1991 (accessible at Sempacherstrasse)
Luzerner ZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 10/29/1999 onward via wiso, from 1996 onward via Swissdox
Neue Zürcher ZeitungCurrent issues via PressReader or DiBiZentral. Articles from 1993 onward via Genios (including NZZ am Sonntag and Folio), 2019 onward via Swissdox. Free access to the Historical Archive of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung from the first issue in 1780 on (access restricted to issues after 01.01.1998, moving wall of 25 years).
Tages-AnzeigerArticles from 1995 onward via Swissdox, 1997 onward via wiso
SonntagsZeitungArticles from 1996 onward via Swissdox, 1997 onward via wiso
VaterlandAll issues 1833 - 1947 (accessible at Sempacherstrasse)
Die WeltwocheArticles from 1998 onward via Swissdox, 2004 onward via wiso
ZentralplusArticles from 2013 onward


Switzerland: French
Le MatinArticles from 1997 - 2018 via Swissdox
Le TempsArticles from 1998 onward via Swissdox
Tribune de GenèveArticles from 1997 onward via Swissdox


FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1993 onward via FAZ Biblionet
FocusCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1993 onward via WISO
Süddeutsche ZeitungCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1992 onward via LibraryNet
Tageszeitung (taz)Articles from 5/30/1988 via WISO
Die WeltArticles from 3/1/1999 via WISO
Die ZeitCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1995 onward via WISO
Zeit OnlineArticles from 2009 via WISO
Der SpiegelCurrent issues via DiBiZentral, articles from 1993 onward via WISO
Spiegel OnlineArticles from 03/12/2002 via WISO (except for articles marked with Spiegel+)


English press (selection)
EUObserverOnline news site on the EU
The GuardianCurrent issues via PressReader
The EconomistArticles from 1988 onward via Academic OneFile
The New York TimesCurrent issues and articles from 2002 onward via New York Times, 1851 - 2015 archive via Proquest Historical Newspapers
The TimesArticles from 1985 onward via Academic OneFile
The Washington PostCurrent issues via PressReader, articles from 2/4/1995 onward via Academic OneFile


Other languages (selection)
Corriere della SeraCurrent issues via PressReader
Le FigaroCurrent issues via PressReader
El PaísCurrent issues via PressReader


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