
E-Books collections

Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. Access to E-books of various subjects, such as Economics, Business Administration, Public Administration etc

C.H. Beck
Several titles by publishers including Vahlen, Versus and Schäffer&Poeschel

E-Books on several subjects includig Computer Science, Business Law, Data Management etc.

E-books by publishers including Beltz, Campus, Klett-Cotta, Lambertus, O’Reilly, Kohlhammer, Schäffer&Poeschel, Schüren, Klostermann, WBG, Walhalla, dpunkt, hep as well as Oekom

De Gruyter Online
E-Books by publishers including DeGruyter, Oldenbourg, Birkhäuser, Transcript and Harvard University Press

Ebook Central
E-books by various publishers on a variety of subjects.
► Generally speaking, up to 40% of the books are free to download with a free Ebook Central account

Edward Elgar
E-Books on the subjects Economics and Business Administration

Hanser eLibrary
Access to e-books on several subject areas such as Business, Euality Management, Mathematics etc.

IGI Global
Access to e-books on the subject areas of Business & Management, Computer Science, Education, Media & Communication, etc

E-books in the fields of social Economics, Media Economics, Medie Management, Advertising & Business Communication, International Law, Competition Law etc.

Covers various subject areas. e.g. Business, Career Development, Data, Software Development etc.
►  Acess via AAI-Login (only for members of the Lucerne University of Applied Scieces and Arts, Institution = Bibliotheken der Hochschule Luzern)

Oxford University Press
electronic Reference books as well as e-books of various subject areas, e.g. Finance & Economics, Biology, Linguistics, etc.

Springer E-Books
E-books from the Springer publishing group for various subject areas. E.g. Computer Science, Economics, Intelligent Technologies & Robotics, Business & Management, Economics & Finance, Business & Economics etc.

Access to e-books of all subject areas including Politics & International Relations, Behavioral Science, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry and more.

utb-studi E-Books
Access to UTB textbooks and UTB Scholars e-books

Access to e-books from all subject areas including accounting, agriculture, business & management and more.

Other e-books
There are a few more e-books accessible on websites of ESV, Pearson and Peter Lang.

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