
Returning items to the library

Borrowed items from the library locations of the ZHB Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the Pedagocial Media Centre (PMZ), and the Swiss Cooperative Storage Library (Speicherbibliothek) can be returned via return carts or at the information desks of all these libraries, regardless of the place of borrowing.

This regulation applies to the following types of media: books, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms. Excluded are educational games, media boxes and technical devices. Please return these media to the respective information desks.

SLSP courier

Items ordered with the SLSP courier have to be returned at the library at which they were picked up or at another library connected to the SLSP courier.

Interlibrary loans

Interlibrary loan items must be returned at the library at which they were picked up.

Returning items by mail

It is possible to return items from the ZHB Luzern by mail. We recommend registered mail. The date of return is the date of arrival at the respective ZHB location. The ZHB Luzern is not responsible for delays or losses.

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