

This library consists of the joint media holdings of the University of Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education (Study Library).

The media holdings in the university section include the current state of research in all university disciplines as well as their central reference works and relevant works from the history of research. As a rule, the last seven years of publication are completely on site (law: around 20 years). Older holdings are moved to the storage library (Speicherbibliothek) and can be ordered.

The PH section contains literature relevant to teacher training with a special focus on the social sciences.


Journals in the Lucerne University and PH section

As a rule, the last ten years of publication of the print journals are available for use on site only. Older journals can be ordered and borrowed via the swisscovery RZS search portal.

Electronic journals can be retrieved on EZB.


The library covers an area of 5,500 m with up to 300,000 volumes classified by the Regensburg Library Classification Scheme RVK (RVK Online (German only)). Expressed in numbers, this means:

  • Faculty of Theology 45,000 items
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: 110,000 items
  • Faculty of Law 90,000 items
  • Faculty of Economics: 20,000 items
  • Health Sciences and Medicine department (under development)
  • University of Teacher Education (PH): 35,000 items

Most holdings are available for loan.

Departments and Faculties


  • Cultural Studies
  • Economics
  • Ethnology
  • Health Sciences and Health Policy
  • History
  • Jewish Studies
  • Law
  • Medicine (under development)
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Religious Studies
  • Science Studies
  • Sociology
  • Theology


  • Creative Design
  • Educational and Social Sciences
  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Ethics and Religions
  • Exercise and Sports
  • Foreign Languages (French/English/Italian)
  • Geography
  • German
  • History
  • Home Economics
  • Information Technology
  • Instrumental Teaching
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Natural Sciences
  • Technical Design

Details of the specialist departments and their contacts are given here.

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