
Search terminals at Sempacherstrasse

Sempacherstrasse has two search terminals in the catalog room and four in the open stacks (1st through 4th floor).

Newspaper search terminals at Sempacherstrasse

  • There are two newspaper search terminals in the basement where you can search the Lucerne newspapers Luzerner Tagblatt (1852–1991) and Vaterland (1833–1963).  
  • Prints cost CHF 0.20 per A3 page.

Tablets for our digital services

In the library lounge there's a station where you can borrow tablets (Hublets) to browse through our collection of electronic Swiss and foreign daily and weekly newspapers. The tablets also give you access to the filmfriend film portal as well as the Onleihe system, which has a wide range of journals, newspapers and e-books.
All you need to borrow a tablet is a valid library card. You can use a tablet anywhere in the library but you can't borrow it to take home.

We hold paper copies of more newspapers and back runs, which you can request on iluplus. You can also request copies from hardcover editions at CHF 1 per copy.

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