  • You need to conduct an extensive information and literature search?
  • You need tips on how to access literature easily and quickly?

In this document you will find information, tools and sources that can be useful for your research.

Download "Introduction to literature research"

Do you prefere video tutorials?

(Please note, that the following tutorials are in German. English subtitles are available)


Library account

Create a library account

My library account in Swisscovery RZS


Swisscovery / Swisscovery RZS

How do I search in Swisscovery RZS?

Extended search and operators 

How to order a book in Swisscovery RZS 

How to save favorites / searches in Swisscovery RZS 

Delivery options in Swisscovery RZS



How to find and use e-meda

Where to find the HSLU VPN-Client

How to use Google Scholar


Procurement of literature

How to find a book in the library 



Research plan 


Working with your sources 

Evaluation of literature 

Tutorial Zenodo

Literature management at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - and why we recommend Zotero


Do you have ideas or wishes for other tutorials? Please tell us via bibliothek.wirtschaft @ zhbluzern.ch

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