
Normal Opening Hours*

Frankenstrasse 9, 6002 Luzern

Monday - Friday  08.00 - 18.30
Saturday09.30 - 14.00

*Please note the different opening hours listed below on public holidays and during the semester break, as well as the three closing weeks at the end of July/early August.

Differing Opening Hours 2023

Easter 6 April - open until 17.00
7 until 10 April - closed
Ascension 17 May - open until 17.00
18 May - closed
Pentecost 29 May - closed
Feast of Corpus Christi 7 June - open until 17.00
8 June - closed
Reduced Opening Hours 24 June until 10 September
Monday - Friday 9.30 - 17.00
Saturday closed
Summer Closure 17 July bis 6 August - closed
Assumption Day 14 August - open until 17.00
15 August closed
St. Leodegar 2 October - closed
All Saints Day 31 October - open until 17.00
1 November - closed
Feast of Immaculate Conception 7. December - open until 17.00
8 December - closed
Christmas/New Year to be defined
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