
Only students and employees of the Lucerne School of Business are permitted to view theses. In principle, only theses that are available for inspection can be viewed.

The application form required for consultation is available for download or can be obtained at the circulation desk.

The completed application form is sent to the library staff who organise the viewing opportunities. As a rule, the requested thesis is available for inspection on the following day.

Rules on inspecting Bachelor and Master dissertations

Order Form


Bachelor theses

Lists of the theses that can be viewed can be found on Ilias in the thesis section of the respective degree programme.

For Bachelor's theses submitted in 2019 or later, a short version consisting of title page, table of contents and management summary is available for download in the portfolio database (HSLU login required).


Master's theses

Lists of viewable theses of the individual degree programmes can be obtained from the library. Contact us at: bibliothek.wirtschaft @ zhbluzern.ch 



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