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ZHB under construction!

On December 4, 2017, the ZHB's long-awaited building project at the Sempacherstrasse library finally began. The former local research library built in 1951 was transformed over two years into a renovated library that remained faithful to the detail of the original on the outside, with modernized features on the inside. The renovation and refurbishment project, named Soleil, lumière et l'air ("Sun, Light and Air"), was carried out by general contractors Caretta + Weidmann with architects Thomas Lussi and Remo Halter. It aimed to create a modern library that was both functional and aesthetically impressive.

The entire project fortunately ran very smoothly and the library was re-opened in December 2019. Users can now enjoy an extensive open access library (with a collection of over 50,000 items) and a variety of different working and reading spaces. Visitors can also refuel and recharge in the inviting Bistro Quai4.

Our construction updates offer an insight into various stages of the project (only available in German):

Baubrief 1    Eine Bibliothek mit Vergangenheit rüstet sich für die Zukunft

Baubrief 2    Definitiv nicht alltäglich

Baubrief 3    Die ZHB Luzern – ein Meisterwerk des Architekten Otto Dreyer

Baubrief 4     Was, wie, wo? Die neue ZHB stellt sich vor.


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