Die Angebote der verschiedenen Institutionen während der LOVE DATA WEEK sind nachfolgend verlinkt und im untenstehenden Kalender gelistet (alle Veranstaltungen als iCal exportieren)

The presentations of the various institutions during the LOVE DATA WEEK are linked in the subsequent schedule and furthermore listed in the calendar below (export all talks as iCal)

Les présentations des institutions pendant la LOVE DATA WEEK sont listées ci-dessous et dans le calendrier (exporter toutes les présentations au format iCal).


  • Wikidata - Your friendly Open Knowledge Graph
    10:00-12:00 CET
    Zoom, Workshop in English
    Wikidata is the structured, multilingual graph-database of the encyclopedic knowledge of our world. How Wikidata can be used in research projects, how data can be contributed or how the software behind it (WikiBase) can be used as graph software for your own (research) data projects is the aim of this workshop.
    Christian Erlinger (Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern)
  • Share your Data - Publication vs. Archiving
    12:00-12:45 CET
    Microsoft Teams, Talk in English
    Luise Baumgartner, Simon Walther (BFH)
  • Data Management Plan (DMP) du FNS
    14:15-15:45 CET
    Zoom (inscription), Présentation en français
    Pour la soumission des requêtes de financement, le FNS requiert des informations sur le cycle de vie des données via son formulaire de DMP. Lors de cet atelier, le type et les besoins d’informations qui doivent y être mentionnés seront abordés.
    Anouk Santos, Claire Wuillemin (Université de Genève)
  • OLOS and its implementation at BFH
    17:00-17:45 CET
    Microsoft Teams, Talk in English
    Since 2022 BFH uses the Swiss data repository OLOS (https://olos.swiss).
    Samuel Pfyffer (BFH)


  • Data Organisation 
    11:30-12:15 CET
    Zoom, Talk in English
    Get tips on how to organise your research data. This includes clear folder structures, consistent file names, suitable storage locations and back-up routines.
    Iris Lindenmann, Christina Besmer (University of Basel)
  • The LEGO® metadata game: another (reproducible) brick in the wall
    12:30-14:30 CET
    Workshop in English on campus at EPFL
    Can you reproduce a model with just documentation? Can you make your documentation clear enough to enable others to reproduce your model? Let’s play with LEGO® bricks and learn how to capture, record, and disseminate metadata, and how you can incorporate metadata into your own work.
    EPFL Library
  • Thot: The future of science ► Slides (PDF)
    14:00-14:30 CET
    Zoom, Talk in English
    Thot (thot.so) is a new software that automates your data organization and analysis. It helps you build modular analysis pipelines from modular components for easy reuse and sharing. You can add new data or analysis at any time and the new results will be automatically incorporated into your project with the click of a button.
    Ignacio "Nacho" Aleman (EPFL)
  • Introduction aux données de recherche
    14:15-15:00 CET
    Zoom (inscription), Présentation en français
    Le concept de « données de recherche » vous semble flou ? Vous peinez à savoir ce qui peut être qualifié de donnée de recherche parmi les éléments de votre recherche ? Cette séance introductive vous donnera les éléments de base pour vous permettre de reconnaître les données de recherche et de savoir comment les gérer efficacement dès le début de votre recherche.
    Talal Zhouri (Université de Genève)
  • Datenmanagementplan ► Folien (PDF)
    16:00-16:45 CET
    Zoom, Vortrag auf Deutsch
    Den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten planen: dokumentieren, organisieren, schützen, publizieren - mach es FAIR.
    Ein einführender Überblick mit Beispielen. Offen für alle Interessierten. Keine Anmeldung.

    Clemens Trautwein (Hochschule Luzern)


  • Managing your research data in accordance with the FAIR principles, in 15 minutes
    9:00-9:15 CET
    Zoom (registration), Talk in English
    How to improve the visibility, accessibility and reuse potential of your research data by applying the FAIR principles. This short presentation will include a presentation of the FAIR principles, requirements of funders and the UNIGE in this area, how to improve the FAIRness of your data, as well as resources to check if your data are FAIR compliant.
    Dimitri Donzé, Floriane Muller (University of Geneva)
  • Datenmanagement und Datenschutz
    10:00-11:00 CET
    Microsoft Teams, Vortrag in Deutsch
    Überblick über das Datenschutzrecht und typische Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit Datenmanagement.
    Silvia Schmid (BFH)
  • Einführung Forschungsdatenmanagement ► Folien (PDF)
    12:15-13:00 CET
    Zoom, Vortrag in Deutsch
    Was sind Forschungsdaten? Was ist ein Datenmanagementplan (DMP)? Wo werden Forschungsdaten publiziert? Welche Haltung vertreten die Forschungsförderer und die Schweiz in Sachen Forschungsdaten? Zu diesen und weiteren Fragen bietet die Veranstaltung eine Einführung. Der Kurs richtet sich primär an Forschende (Studierende, Dozierende, weitere in der Forschung tätige Personen).
    Nadja Meyenhofer (Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern)
  • Research data licensing, in 15 minutes
    13:00-13:15 CET
    Zoom (registration), Talk in English
    This short presentation will present what kind of research data are protected by copyright in Switzerland. It will also provide recommendations on how to choose a Creative Commons license for data, especially in an open data perspective.
    Anouk Santos (University of Geneva)


  • Long-term preservation of research data 
    10:00-10:45 CET
    Zoom, Talk in English
    Without a long-term preservation strategy digital data can be difficult to access or use after some years in storage. This talk will deal with the following questions: Why should data preservation matter to me? What are the FAIR principles? Where can I archive my research data?
    Rita Gautschy (DaSCH)
  • Research Data Sharing for Replications and Follow-Up Studies – A Best Practice Example from Leadership Research 
    12:00-12:45 CET
    Microsoft Teams, Talk in English
    This talk demonstrates how data sharing can act as an incubator for replication studies and follow-up studies, thus advancing science and society. To do so, we present a case study from leadership research using shared data to extend and move beyond existing insights and develop new implications.
    Gernot Pruschak (BFH)
  • Open Educational Resources (OER) for Data & Code
    12:00-13:00 CET
    Talk in English on campus at EPFL
    During the traditional Data Champions Lunch, two data experts will talk about Open Educational Resources (OER) for Data. You will have the opportunity to discuss with the Data Champions and learn best practices and useful tools for managing your research data.
    Sara Bonella, Denis Gillet (EPFL)
  • Ethical aspects in research data management
    13:00-13:45 CET
    Zoom, Talk in English
    Ethical and legal issues along with scientific integrity can be challenging aspects in research data management. The complexity of the regulatory framework and practices in various fields can be confusing and involve many stakeholders. This talk aims to provide an overview of the most crucial ethical aspects in different fields of research, helping researchers to identify risks and raise awareness of good practice in research data management.
    Dr. Olga Churakova, Dr. Gero Schreier (University of Bern)
  • Déposer ses données de recherche dans Yareta
    14:15-15:45 CET
    Zoom (inscription), Présentation en français
    Vous voulez publier des données liées à votre recherche ou à une publication ? Votre financeur vous demande d'ouvrir vos données et de les déposer dans un repository respectant les principes FAIR ? Cet atelier vous offrira une initiation à Yareta, le data repository cantonal genevois. Il vous permet de préserver durablement vos données de recherche (archivage) et, en fonction de leur nature et de votre choix, de le rendre accessibles à autrui avec plus ou moins de restrictions.
    Floriane Muller, Anouk Santos (Université de Genève)


  • Where to archive and share research data?  in 15 minutes
    13:00-13:15 CET
    Zoom (registration), Talk in English
    Get to know the different types of data repositories in order to choose the most suitable one for archiving and/or disseminating your research data.
    Dimitri Donzé (University of Geneva)


  • Data Ideathon: Crazy data-driven ideas for the campus of tomorrow
    Event from February 20th to 23rd on campus at EPFL
    Join the first Data Ideathon organized by EPFL Library. As we thrive to better support the management of your research data throughout the year, we now invite you to use data to push the boundaries of creativity.
    EPFL Library


  • Just Zenodo it!
    12:30-14:30 CET
    Workshop in French / English on campus at EPFL
    Come and see how easy it is to submit your data to Zenodo, the data repository of choice for many EPFL researchers. The EPFL Research Data Team will help you upload your own data or code, or simulate a submission with fictitious data. You will see the many options for customizing your metadata and discover the EPFL Zenodo Community, where you can boost your data visibility.
    EPFL Library


Weitere Veranstaltungen zur LOVE DATA WEEK im deutschsprachigen Raum sind zu finden auf forschungsdaten.info