
swisscovery: your online library account and portal for literature search

01.03.2023 16:45 Uhr

On the one hand: search, order, borrow, renew... we show the management in the online library account. On the other hand: How does research for study and research work with swisscovery?

Swisscovery searches not only printed media of almost all scientific libraries in Switzerland but also all e-media licensed for ZHB/Uni/PH, as well as HSLU.
After this introduction you have your library account under control and a first impression of the research possibilities.

Wednesday, 01.03.2023 16:45 - 17:30 
Zoom-Meeting*, Meeting-ID: 691 2918 5271 Kenncode: 987799

with Clemens Trautwein, Bibliothek HSLU T&A

Free and without registration, open to all

Infos & contact

RZS - Uni/PH


clemens.trautwein @

Weitere Angebote zur Informationskompetenz auf der Kursplattform WISSEN+ der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken der Region Zentralschweiz → aktuelle Kurse WISSEN+­

* ­Beitritt über die Zoom App (empfohlen) oder über den Browser (, mit oder ohne Login, Pseudonym möglich (bei der ID-Eingabe), Audio/Video optional, keine Aufzeichnung.


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